Privacy policy on personal nature data

This Privacy Policy is in accordance with current legislation: Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, Protection of Personal Data and digital rights guarantee (LOPD-GDD) and Royal Decree 1720/2007, of 21 December, by which the Regulation of Development of the Organic Law 15/1999 (RLOPD) is approved. And it is adapted to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, concerning the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation).

  • Identification data
  • Products or services acquired.
  • Postal or electronic addresses
  • Commercial information.
  • Data of personal circumstances.
  • I consent to the processing of my data to transfer commercial information of SORPRESAGOLF
  • I consent to the processing of my data to transfer commercial information from third-party collaborating companies of SORPRESAGOLF of the referenced sectors.
  • Right to request access to personal data concerning the interested party
  • Right to request rectification or deletion
  • Right to request the limitation of your treatment
  • Right to oppose treatment
  • Right to data portability

Fields marked with'' asterisk'' (*) are compulsory, if these data are not fulfilled, the User can't benefit, totally or partially, from the Services and informations offered by

We inform you that the data provided, as well as the data derived from your browsing, will be included in the files of SORPRESAGOLF and treated for the purpose of management and control of the established contractual or bargaining relationship, the making of diverse contacts, as well as the invoicing, accounting and fiscal management required by law. Your data will be processed while the established relationship lasts and the interested party does not request us to leave.

Origin of the data: the data that we have treated have been provided directly by the INTERESTED PARTY.

The categories of data that are treated are:

These data, without your prior express consent, will not be transferred to third parties except in the cases provided in the data protection regulations. 

Additionally, you consent to the processing of your data in order to inform them, by any means, including email, of products and services of SORPRESAGOLF. or Third-party collaborating companies that may be of your interest

In this sense, the promotional or marketing activity may be carried out directly by SORPRESAGOLF or by any of our distributors who would have the consideration of Treatment Manager and, without your prior express consent, will not be transferred to third parties except in the cases provided in the data protection regulations.Your rights in data protection:

The rights referred to in the previous paragraph may be exercised by the interested parties, or by sending an email to the address: attaching (in both cases and for checking purposes) a photocopy of the ID number.

The aforementioned rights will be addressed in accordance with the requirements established in the aforementioned regulations. In the event that the limitation of the processing of your data is requested, oppose such treatment or request its deletion. SORPRESAGOLF will attend your request except in the cases contemplated in the regulations, such as the exercise or the defense of possible claims, etc., being able to save the mentioned data in a blocked way.

You are also reminded that you have the right to file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency.